Need help upgrading Concrete5-based site from to current version

The company I work for has an ancient Concrete5 site that they stopped upgrading at

Five year’s ago, I developed Concrete 5 based-sites but I have literally no idea how to go from to 9.3.2. I’m assuming there must be an upgrade path, but I don’t know where to start. Anyone want to get in on this?


Unfortunately there is no upgrade path beyond for the site. The CMS was completely rebuilt after that and the site will need to be re-developed for the newer version(s).

There is a content migration tool to help move your content from one site to the other, but if you have a lot of custom blocks and/or packages this can be a hassle too.

Legacy Migration Tool: GitHub - concretecms/addon_migration_tool_legacy
v9 Migration Tool: GitHub - concretecms/migration_tool: Migration tool for Concrete CMS version 9+.

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Its a really tough situation to be in but as @hutman said there is no upgrade path.

If you want i can take a look at it for you and cost out some options for you?

Email me