New Marketplace!

Spent most of today’s Town Hall showing off progress on the new marketplace.
Would love to answer your questions.


  • In addition to Add-Ons and Themes, there will now also be Integrations, Platforms, Hosting and Services.
  • Flexible product block and containers for us to make home and landing pages out of as things change.
  • No more bank. Stripe handles commissions and payouts for us. No more paypal payouts, it comes through Stripe as it comes.
  • Traditional marketplace browse/search with filters on side.
  • Clean, consistent looking marketplace detail pages.
  • Only selling v9 extensions, will work with Concrete v9.3+. Revisited “connect to community” process that is simpler for business users. More hooks in the core to both the new documentation that is launching soon, and also marketplace solutions that may be helpful for where the admin is at.
  • Maintain the ability for a developer to offer a discount price, but no multi-package “special offers” anymore.
  • Composer delivery of paid extensions now.
  • Surely lots of other details I’ve neglected to turn into bullets… ask away!

Stripe is not available everywhere. Here in Morocco I don’t have access to Stripe. I can use my bank card to pay but i can’t receive money through Stripe.

There are 195 countries. Stripe is supported in 46. so we’re not exactly the “outliers”

Out of those 46 countries, when you look into the details, quite a few are ‘Business Only’ Stripe accounts and not available to individuals.

My perception is that the vast majority of marketplace developers are from outside the USA.

So what is wrong with ‘PayPal’ (apart from the fees) Just factor in?

Stripe brings a lot to the table that we’ve had to build and manage ourselves in the past.
Stripe handles all sorts of recurring billing, lets us do different types of metered billing (eg: per user), it handles off boarding and what happens if a card doesn’t go through after a while.
In short, stripe was developed over a decade ago as a full solution for software companies that wanted to do subscription billing, we’re left disappointed with what PayPal offers, and needed to focus on their core product instead of rebuilding banking functionality.

Their ux is pretty and fast. Their reports make sense. They keep us from having to manage balances and issue payouts on our end, which is time that could be better spent on our core cms.

The only complaint I’ve heard from other software companies using stripe is that the fees can be high, particularly if you’re doing 5 figure transactions. My sense is that’s a great problem to solve when we’re doing 100x the volume we are today and looking for a way to save a point or two on what we pay. Cost would be rebuilding quite a lot of billing functionality they offer and maintain well today.

Oh also, it’s a well known standard in the saas space, so there’s all sorts of extensions for it to solve more complicated problems if we run into them


I’m quite excited about all this. I like the broader thinking outlined.

It might just be the push I’m looking for to get me to tidy up and submit a whole heap of add-ons I’ve worked on over the last few years, but never quite got them to ‘marketplace ready’ status.


Hello. I suggest contacting Stripe and asking them to come to your country, to make Morocco a priority.


Also, as mentioned in the video. We can figure out work arounds if it’s going to be an issue for a specific developer.

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My ernings from old mp are not on my profile or on the stripe account?
Do i need to do something?

We don’t maintain balances in the new marketplace, stripe does all the magic for us.

I’ve paid out your balance from the old marketplace via paypal.

Let me know if there’s anything else!

Received balance from Paypal. Thanks.

Just need my missing add-on moving or I can redo in the new mp. ‘Login Return’.