Next & Prev Nav Block question

Using 9.39 and the Atomik theme. I am making an ‘archive site’ for a friend’s radio program which ran 52 weeks. I decided to use the blog that is in the Atomik theme. I renamed it to Program Archive and created 52 blog entries under that on the Sitemap.

The blog entries in Atomik have the right-column + blog content layout and the right column has a Next & Prev nav block. This works great, but is there a way for it to work after I set the ‘exclude from nav’ attribute of each blog entry page to be excluded?

I found after setting programs 1 and 2 to excluded, they no longer ‘show’ in the next/prev block.

I checked docs and for prior questions along with the block settings of course, and do not see a setting to do this. Would anyone know something I missed?

For background or possible follow-up questions, here is a bit more info.

On the prev/next block, I changed from chronological to sitemap page ordering, but this had no effect.

Reasonably, I did not want the 52-item-long drop menu of blog entries, so I made the actual top-level Program Archive page of this branch a page list. It works well, showing my ‘excluded from nav’ pages as we’d expect.

Thank you!

Rather than excluding individual pages, you could see if the exclude sub pages from nav attribute on the parent page has the result you require.

Thank you! That did the trick after a cache clear-- no more 52-entry drop-down and the Next & Prev operation in the 'blog entries is back in action.