No longer displaying products

A little issue spotted with viewing:

I have no add-ons listed here:

But they’re all listed here for me:

Additionally, why isn’t there a link on the account page to this products list? It’s the only page I’ve found where there’s a ‘New Product’ button, but I had to hunt around the forums to find this URL again, just to submit a new add-on.

@frz @Myq @EvanCooper

Oh weird, now the list/grid of products is back.

(but I still think we’re missing some needed links)

There seems to be a recurring issue along these lines. A developer’s product list disappears, then a while later reappears again.

I think (@Myq please correct me) there is a scheduled task that copies product lists across between sub-sites. That is what recovers the list. But perhaps there is also a bug in that task that breaks the list for a developer.

If the task uses a clear before refill for the list and breaks between clearing and refilling, perhaps running out of time when listing products for the more active developers, that scenario would explain the loss then recovery of the list.

Just speculating here. I have no real knowledge of what is actually going on.

I think it’s a hook, but I’ll update the ticket with this information. Seems like a weird bug. I’ve never personally experienced it, but clearly it’s happening fairly frequently.

Thanks for your patience everyone. This is hard to pin down because I haven’t been able to reproduce it, but I think we may have got it. The API was being rate limited even though the requests were internal, which would explain why it’s intermittent and resolves itself.

If you continue to run into this issue, let me know.

That’s great, it may also have been a case of when I was looking at it, likely the ‘middle of the night’ for the US, so perhaps some automated job was running and took longer.

I do want to draw your attention to my other point though, that there’s no link at all to Login :: Concrete CMS Marketplace from the account page, or a direct link to the process to submit new add-ons.

Surely that’s a quick-win to add in a link or two at the end of the Marketplace Listings section?

@mesuva forgot to mention that there’s an existing ticket for that in the queue. It is an oversight that there’s no direct link to that page ( It’s caught me out a few times as well!