It’s going to be a bit involved. Here’s a step by step with the code.
In the following steps, any time a folder I’m referencing doesn’t exist, create it.
Also be mindful of when a folder or a file name is capitalized and when it’s not.
First, in application\config\generated_overrides\community_store
create a file and call it authorized_us_states.php
Inside put this code:
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Generated 2024-09-12T09:17:49-04:00
* @item list
* @group authorized_us_states
* @namespace community_store
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
return [
'list' => [
I added a list of US states code as an example. Follow the same pattern for the states you need.
Then in application\controllers\SinglePage
create the file Checkout.php
Add the following code to it:
namespace Application\Controller\SinglePage;
use Concrete\Package\CommunityStore\Controller\SinglePage\Checkout as CsCheckout;
class Checkout extends CsCheckout
public function view($guest = false)
$finalList = ['' => ''];
$statelist = $this->app->make('helper/lists/states_provinces')->getStates();
$authorizedUsStates = \Config::get('community_store::authorized_us_states.list');
foreach ($statelist as $code => $state) {
if (in_array($code, $authorizedUsStates)) {
$finalList[$code] = $state;
$this->set("states", $finalList);
Next, in application\controllers\CommunityStore\Utilities
create the file StateProvince.php
In it add the following code
namespace Application\Controller\CommunityStore\Utilities;
use Concrete\Package\CommunityStore\Src\CommunityStore\Utilities\StateProvince as CSStateProvince;
class StateProvince extends CSStateProvince
public function getStates()
$service = $this->app->make('helper/security');
$countryCode = $service->sanitizeString($this->request->request->get('country'));
$selectedState = $service->sanitizeString($this->request->request->get('selectedState'));
$type = $service->sanitizeString($this->request->request->get('type'));
$class = empty($this->request->request->get('class')) ? 'form-control' : $service->sanitizeString($this->request->request->get('class'));
$dataList = $this->app->make('helper/json')->decode($this->request->request->get('data'), true);
$data = '';
if (is_array($dataList) && count($dataList)) {
foreach ($dataList as $name => $value) {
$data .= ' data-' . $name . '="' . $value . '"';
$requiresstate = ['US', 'AU', 'CA', 'CN', 'MX', 'MY'];
$required = '';
if (in_array($countryCode, $requiresstate)) {
$required = ' required="required" ';
$ret = '';
$list = $this->app->make('helper/lists/states_provinces')->getStateProvinceArray($countryCode);
if ($list) {
$class = trim(str_replace('form-select', '', $class));
$class .= ' form-select';
if ("tax" == $type) {
$ret .= "<select name='taxState' id='taxState' class='{$class}'{$data}>";
} else {
$ret .= "<select $required name='store-checkout-{$type}-state' id='store-checkout-{$type}-state' ccm-passed-value='' class='{$class}'{$data}>";
$ret .= '<option {selected} value=""></option>';
$hasSelectedState = false;
// Here is your list of authorized US states, modify it to suit your needs following the template
$authorizedUsStates = \Config::get('community_store::authorized_us_states.list'); //['CA', 'WA', 'MN'];
foreach ($list as $code => $state) {
if ($countryCode == 'US' && !in_array($code, $authorizedUsStates)) {
if (!empty($selectedState) && $code == $selectedState) {
$ret .= "<option selected value='{$code}'>{$state}</option>";
$hasSelectedState = true;
} else {
$ret .= "<option value='{$code}'>{$state}</option>";
$ret .= "</select>";
if ($hasSelectedState) {
$ret = str_replace('{selected}', '', $ret);
} else {
$ret = str_replace('{selected}', 'selected', $ret);
} else {
$class = trim(str_replace('form-select', '', $class));
if (!$class) {
$class = 'form-control';
if ("tax" == $type) {
$ret .= "<input type='text' name='taxState' id='taxState' class='{$class}'{$data} value='$selectedState'>";
} else {
$ret .= "<input type='text' name='store-checkout-{$type}-state' id='store-checkout-{$type}-state' value='{$selectedState}' class='{$class}'{$data} placeholder='" . t('State / Province') . "'>";
echo $ret;
And finally in application\bootstrap
at the bottom of the file app.php
//Overriding Community Store StateProvince class
//Overriding Community Store Checkout page controller
Now your country list, in Community Store only, should only display the states selected in the first step, when the United States are selected in the list.
I hope this helps. Feel free to reach out if something is not clear or not working.