Page Title block error - Crista theme

I am using the Crista theme 2.0.4 by @Xanweb and having a couple of issues. I am posting here as my message sent through the marketplace bounced back.


  1. when inserting ‘Page Title block’ I get an error
    “Template may only contain letters, numbers, dashes and underscores.”

by clicking ‘X’ on the dialogue box, the block is added after publishing the page.

  1. The ‘tooltip’ popup text cannot be read over the background as it is in fine white font. Where can this be changed?

2024-05-30 17_56_10-Window

Concrete v9.3.2 with php V8.0.30

You might want to contact Xanweb directly through the link here: Products :: Concrete CMS Marketplace

Note: you’ll need to make sure you are logged into the community site first so that you can actually send a message to the author.