Possibility to add class on UL element with content editor?

Hi i’m looking about to add custom class on UL element in content editeor.

in page theme inside function getThemeEditorClasses() i cannot use block class on UL element.

if i force block on 1 it’s impossible to apply on UL element, and if i force block to -1 it add <span class> inside each LI element.

i would have the same behavior as P and DIV element when we’re forcing block to 1, how could i do this ?

i’m using the standard code, thinking that was working but no:

array('title' => t('My List'), 'menuClass' => '', 'spanClass' => 'my-own-list-style', 'forceBlock' => 1),

What version of Concrete are you using? This works for me in version 8:

  public function getThemeEditorClasses()
        return [       
            ['title' => t('Bullet'), 'element' => ['ul'], 'attributes' => ['class' => 'klist bullet']],
            ['title' => t('Bullet Light'), 'element' => ['ul'], 'attributes' => ['class' => 'klist bullet light']],
            ['title' => t('Bullet Large'), 'element' => ['ul'], 'attributes' => ['class' => 'klist bullet large']],
            ['title' => t('Bullet Round'), 'element' => ['ul'], 'attributes' => ['class' => 'klist bullet round']],