We have a site that was updated to 8.0 without performing a backup first. There was a problem with the update and now the site is down. Can any help recover the site?
I can.
I’ll need cpanel access. Email me direct at stev@mac.com
also what is your url?
Thank you for responding so quick. I sent you the cPanel and Concrete access. I was able to get the site somewhat restores by replacing the core with 8.2.1, but I can’t get the update to run. Let me know your thoughts. That you!
Hello @tabercreative
I would like to offer my assistance with this task and to proceed, kindly provide the following information: the site URL, admin access details, server access credentials, and details of the previous version.
Please contact me using the provided contact details below to discuss further in detail.
E- alanjones(dot)tis(at)gmail(dot)com
Skype - live:.cid.6a62b7b34d1aa390
I eagerly await your response.
Alan Jones
Are you sure your host don’t have backups?
Anyway, email us to discuss what we can do: info@antropy.co.uk
I would like to assist you with this work.
Please get in touch with below-shared contact details.
Email – ianradnor088@gmail.com
Skype – live:ianradnor088
Hi Zachary ,
Greetings! I have read the job description and have relevant experience in Concrete CMS and am ready to help you.
PM or connect over email directly to discuss further.