Question about composer installation, no such package and non-development version

Just running a fresh install to test some things and this time I decided to do a composer install. I was surprised to find that composer balked at the installation because, per this site, there is no such package:

In ShowCommand.php line 325:
  Package "concretecms/core" not found, try using --available (-a) to show all available packages.

But there IS a concrete5/core. Not sure what to do here as all the documentation says to use the concretecms/core.

All the docs also say to use the development version but I don’t want a dev version I want a stable version. I was hoping to just list the available versions looking for “stable” or “release” or something. But that lead me to the version above.

Just for giggles I went ahead an did the concrete5/core anyway and it didn’t seem to do anything. But then on the next step I ran

$ ./vendor/bin/concrete c5:install -i

And it complained that folders are missing in the installation. Shouldn’t this be created by the composer install? Or called out in the documentation on the page linked above? I’m basically just going error by error until it’s happy?

Er, I was. For some reason it repeatedly throws this error:

- Writable Files and Configuration Directories... This directory must exist and it must be writable by your web server (which is running with the system user Gorf): application/files/

Except it is:

/html$ ls -l application/
total 0
drwxrwxrwx 1 Gorf Gorf 0 Oct  9 00:40 files

For reference:
Composer version 2.8.1 2024-10-04 11:31:01
PHP version 8.1.29 (/usr/bin/php8.1)

concrete5/core is one of the very few stuff that has still to be renamed to concretecms/....
So yes, you have to use concrete5 (or use a skeleton like this).

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