Question re: exclude from nav attribute

New to V9, and last experience with Concrete was a number of years ago. I have what indeed is a newbie question, but I have been through the docs on the feature and read other topics that mention this attribute without success.

I am developing my site, so have only the original ‘admin’ account and my account which is also in that role have access.

I’ve created a ‘search results’ and an ‘unsubscribe’ pages and enabled the exclude from nav attribute (it shows in blue as selected) but the pages still show in the navigation menu to me logged in as these admin role users… is that expected because of the admin role?

I am hesitant to open the site to test as a visitor (I will have no user accounts for visitors, just admin/contributor) in case I could not find how to reset back, otherwise I would have tested. I would like to know if they are still visible because that’s the functionality with an admin, or if it is because I missed something else to set in addition to the ‘exclude’ attribute to have this work.

Thank you!

Even though it shows in blue, you must still tick the checkbox to enable it.

Thank you! That was it – or mostly it. I guess I was doing this from the wrong place. I had gone to the site map and changed the attribute for the pages from there. There was no checkbox there, so it dawned on me that your screenshot was probably from the gear-settings menu on the PAGE. Thanks to your help, I got that changed and all is good.

Thanks once again!

If you could mark my answer as the ‘Solution’ that would help others who might be struggling with a similar issue.

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I think your issue was that you hit the exclude from nav and it gies blue. But all that does is add it to the bottom of the attributes list, so if you had scrolled to the bottom of the list on the right you would have seen the checkbox.

That really is something that’s made no sense to me from the git-go. These types of attributes should default to ‘checked’ if that’s the wording used to describe the attribute.

You can set the default to checked. I do this as part of every site setup.


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What? How have I missed that for 10 years? Sheesh. Thx.

To be clear, I knew that I could set new attributes to be checked or not but for some inexplicable reason, it never occurred to me to change the ‘system’ attributes. Oh my, oh my.

Ahhhh. Yes, you are right. It was just a bit off-screen needing a scroll down to see it, and of course, it is now checked since it is the same attribute I set via the page gear settings. Thank you. The structure of everything is slowly mapping in my old brain. Now to retain it! :upside_down_face:

Not only that but you can assign attributes to page types and then set their default.


Hit the attributes then add one

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STOP! I feel stupid enough already! LOL