I am having an issue with the automated running of the ‘Reindex Content’ task…
- The server is nginx on Ubuntu 22.04.3
- Concrete v 9.3.2
- PHP 8.2
I have set up the task scheduler, and that is running fine every minute - It runs other jobs fine - eg. Create Sitemap, Clear cache, etc.
This is the scheduler cron:
* * * * * /usr/bin/php8.2 -q /path/to/concrete/bin/concrete concrete:scheduler:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
With the ‘Reindex Content’ task it creates the cache directories/files with ‘root’ ownership/permissions, but it needs to be set as ‘www-data’.
So we get exceptions e.g.:
Exception Occurred: /path/to/concrete/src/Cache/Driver/FileSystemStashDriver.php:40 touch(): Unable to create file /path/to/application/files/cache/overrides/1952a01898073d1e/561b9b4f2e42cbd7/38a865804f8fdcb6/57cd99682e939275/e56c038d63394797/2de43d2a2b4d5ff5.php because Permission denied (2)
I have tried:
1 - Adding the www-data user to the scheduler - eg:
* * * * * sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/php8.2 -q /path/to/concrete/bin/concrete concrete:scheduler:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
Amongst a whole bunch of other variations on this - none of them run at all, only the example given above seems to run.
2 - Setting up the scheduler cron for www-data - using:
sudo crontab -u www-data -e
But the scheduler does not run then either.
I have set this up several other times on Apache servers with no problems, and so I expect this is simply a syntax issue, but I am not having any joy after much trying - any suggestions would be great.
Thanks all.