'Reindex Content' Task Error - Failed to open stream: Permission denied


I am having an issue with the automated running of the ‘Reindex Content’ task…

  • The server is nginx on Ubuntu 22.04.3
  • Concrete v 9.3.2
  • PHP 8.2

I have set up the task scheduler, and that is running fine every minute - It runs other jobs fine - eg. Create Sitemap, Clear cache, etc.

This is the scheduler cron:

* * * * * /usr/bin/php8.2 -q /path/to/concrete/bin/concrete concrete:scheduler:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

With the ‘Reindex Content’ task it creates the cache directories/files with ‘root’ ownership/permissions, but it needs to be set as ‘www-data’.

So we get exceptions e.g.:

Exception Occurred: /path/to/concrete/src/Cache/Driver/FileSystemStashDriver.php:40 touch(): Unable to create file /path/to/application/files/cache/overrides/1952a01898073d1e/561b9b4f2e42cbd7/38a865804f8fdcb6/57cd99682e939275/e56c038d63394797/2de43d2a2b4d5ff5.php because Permission denied (2)

I have tried:


1 - Adding the www-data user to the scheduler - eg:

* * * * * sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/php8.2 -q /path/to/concrete/bin/concrete concrete:scheduler:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

Amongst a whole bunch of other variations on this - none of them run at all, only the example given above seems to run.


2 - Setting up the scheduler cron for www-data - using:

sudo crontab -u www-data -e

But the scheduler does not run then either.


I have set this up several other times on Apache servers with no problems, and so I expect this is simply a syntax issue, but I am not having any joy after much trying - any suggestions would be great.

Thanks all.

Does sound like a permissions issue. is the user where the files live part of the www-data group?

Thanks for response Myq

Yes, can confirm it is.

Yeah still seems like a permissions issue - are the perms on the files directory 755? I think some of that is covered in this doc here:

But yeah definitely seems like it’s still server-permissions-related.

Thanks @EvanCooper - Yes, can confirm that the permissions are set to 755.

maybe the problem is in the cache directory rather than the cron. ensure that all dirs in cache are owned by the correct user with chown -R www-data:www-data cache (or whatever user:group is appropriate). It’s possible one of those parent dirs is owned by root or something.

Thanks for response Myq.

Yes, all the parent/child directories are correctly set to www-data:www-data. They only change to root: root when the automated ‘Reindex Content’ task runs.

If I run the ‘Reindex Content’ task manually, the permissions stay correct as www-data:www-data.

Very odd/annoying!