
Concrete v.9.3.3
PHP v.8.2.23

I’ve recently started getting this Exception:

Exception Occurred: 
/concrete/src/Http/ResponseFactory.php:158 Concrete\Core\Http\ResponseFactory::controller(): Argument #1 ($controller) must be of type Concrete\Core\Controller\Controller, null given, called in /concrete/src/Http/ResponseFactory.php on line 372 (0)

Currently it seems to be happening fairly randomly, and as yet I can’t replicate it manually.

Can anyone point me any directions as to what functionality or process could potentially cause this?

Are you seeing this live as you are using the site or are you looking at logs possibly caused by bot traffic?

Thanks wtflm
It is in the logs, so yes it could potentially be due to bots. I haven’t seen it myself as I’m using the site, but it’s a really large site so I can’t say for sure whether it is perhaps happening somewhere for someone else.

Found the cause/fix - adding it here for reference…

Somehow there were some pages that had their page type set to ‘None’.

Setting the type to any option other than ‘None’ fixed the issue.