So I’m working up to rolling out about 5 years of work from my Dev Concrete CMS space into my Prod space, and I’m aiming to build out some DevOps automations, as well as protections against $filthyHumans (such as myself) doing mistakes at any point in time.
One of those things in particular is what this thread is about… and that is I’m trying to figure out a tool/method in order to restore Express data if a $filthyHuman deletes something by mistake in Prod. Whether it’s an Express Entry, or an entire Express Object (and all the things that includes such as Associations, Entries, etc).
I’m currently stuck to Concrete CMS v8.5, for long-winded reasons, but probably months down the road this year that could improve to some form of v9.x, but at this point in time I am working with v8.5.
As I’m sure many of us are aware, Concrete CMS uses MySQL for the DB tech. So I am limited to options for that DB tech.
From what I am seeing, MySQL “cannot” roll back DB changes once they are committed. I suspect if I were to accidentally Delete an Express Entry or Express Object, or whatever, that it would PROBABLY be committed to the MySQL DB, making rollback uhh… “hard”.
So I was hoping to hear whatever advice I can get on the matter. What methods/tools/whatever can I implement to make it so that the relevant MySQL database content is constantly recorded, and I can roll-back individual data changes even after they are committed, as well as some way of nicely tracking which changes happened over time.
I am NOT experienced at all with writing SQL Queries, hence trying to figure out a tool to help with this. It scares the absolute snot out of me that me, or anyone in the future working on this Concrete CMS system with me, could accidentally delete an Express Entry or Express Object and that could break a LOT of stuff. I foresee that without some sort of tooling to help roll that back, that it would take a lot of work to correct such an accidental deletion, or that we would have to roll back and maybe lose an entire day’s worth of changes (which really is NOT a good option as we could be talking about storefront reversions too).
What do you folks do? What can you say on the matter? Thanks to anyone that has things to share!