Search block in a multilingual site

I have a 2 language site. I have the search block in the top nav block as per the atomik theme.

If I am on the main language side (English) it works fine.

When I use the search block on the Polish pages it redirects back to the English search page. It is possible to use the language switcher to change the language back to Polish and then to use the Polish search page to do a search of the Polish pages. But this is not very intuitive for a first time user.

Is there any way to make the block on the Polish pages direct to Polish search page ?

The only option I can think of is to put a search block on each page, but the layout does not look so nice and I have got more than 700 pages to change :weary:

I need more clear description… but…,
How did you set up search block?

You should create two search blocks pointing to each language’s search result pages.

Thanks for the offer. here is a list what I have and what I have done.

  1. I am using the atomik theme, with my own custom skin - the only thing I have changed in the custom skin are colours.

  2. I set up my pages and populated them on the main language (English) side and then set up a Polish language side. I copied all the page with content to the Polish side. I did not use the built in translation facilities as we use a range of scientific vocabulary which is very complex and so far
    “AI” translations cannot cope. I have translated all the page titles and url’s and now I have found that the search block, the original from the atomik theme redirects back to English.

  3. I have found the navigation block in Dashboard > Stacks & Blocks > Stacks & Global Areas > “navigation” (after your comment above). This must be the original from the atomik theme, I did not set it up. If I go to the “add” button the choice I get is the blocks from the editing page. The standard search block is not very good there is no possibility to add a magnifying glass icon and the text option does not look very nice. The “add button” also gives the option to paste.

  4. Should I make a complete new top navigation block ? Can it be done by pasting ? if so how do I associate it with the Polish side ? I could not find anything in the documentation about this, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

For a multilingual site, you need to configure each global area to be multilingual, so in effect you have a second version of the global area for your second language. This is done with a dropdown at the end of the global area path breadcrumb in the dashboard edit for the global area (Its somewhere in the documentation. Make sure you are reading the latest - beware of old documentation that is now outdated)

In that second area, you configure a search block to point to a search results page in you second language tree. In that second search results page, you set the root for the search results block to be the root page for that language.

Thanks very much, I did it - easy when you know how !!!

In my defense, I can only say that the drop down arrow is very small - I completely missed. One click on it and all was revealed.

Thanks for the explanation it was most appreciated .