Sending Group Emails

Does concrete have the function to send out emails to groups?
I know I can send private messages but these only appear if the user logs in.

I already have SMTP server setup and functioning correctly.

Many thanks.

I had to build my own years ago and update it as the versions changed. It’s so full of cruft by now that it’s barely hanging on. The ‘Members’ area has never been particularly useful for extended functionality.

Group mailing is a tricky requirement because you need to manage opt-out and mail management to go with it. This is a legal requirement in many countries. There are addons in the marketplace that link to services for email management, such as @jero 's

My biggest problem over the years has been my servers getting blacklisted along with some other website on the same shared server that’s spamming people. That’s where relying on external services really pays for itself. Let them fight to get their IP addresses off the blacklists.


Hi guys, appreciate all of your replies. I did check the add-ons and there were ones that seemed like they did what I was after, but sadly they are all out of date for core 9.
The constant contact route is too complicated and costly, and the requirement is just simple stuff for a church website.

What I’m puzzled by, is the check box when a users signs up which reads…
‘send me email notifications when I receive a private message’.

Ive sent myself a private message which a can see arrives but I didn’t get an email?

@JohntheFish this addon MailChimp Subscribe - Concrete CMS appears to not be V9 ready, but its author is “concrete_community” - is there any significance with that? Is it an abandoned addon in need of a little v9 love? Did I imagine it or is there a process for taking on the maintenance of such addons?

@jero “Concrete Community” is mostly addons and themes the original developers are no longer able to support, so donated to the community under MIT or GPL license.

There is a GitHub account to report issues and make pull requests. @mlocati manages the account and @mnakalay is also involved. I don’t know what the update policy from that account back into the marketplace is. With @mlocati in command it could be highly automated.

There are also some addons and utilities originally developer under that account.

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@deanhawthorn It depends on server mail configuration.

PHP mail is widely blocked by mail services and clients as a source of spam.

If you set up an SMTP account, the mail is more likely to get through, though take care over the SMTP service you use.

The “concrete community” is an account I created for two main reasons:

  1. it’s the “owner” of packages that were created by developers that don’t work with Concrete anymore
  2. for packages created by someone (mostly me :wink:) that simply gifted his work to the community (such packages may be maintained/updated by anyone who wants to contribute)

All those packages are published in the Concrete Community GitHub organization (for example, the MailChimp package is here).

Of course, anyone that wants to improve/fix those packages can do that! Simply drop me a note.

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Hi John, thanks for reply.
Ive tested the SMTP using the test button, and I get the mail through OK, but not the mail from the private message.
Is there anything to check to see if the site has actually sent the mail?
If it has sent it and its been blocked I can contact my ISP as they are very helpful.

Actually, ignore last post.
Ive just check my account and I didn’t have the checkbox ticked, haha!
The email came through fine so its working… Hurrah!

Emails sent can also be recorded in the site log. Dashboard > Reports > Logs

Macareux Digital developed the add-on called Email Campaign Add-on for some clients.

We haven’t submitted to the marketplace.

  • Composer email via dashboard
  • Select email recipients from Group, Groupset and CSV
  • Set time to send
  • Use cron to send email
  • Add utm* marketing tags to link

It’s still immature to submit to the marketplace… but we are using them for clients websites.

Let me know if anyone is interested.

Has anyone tried this?