SEO issue with embedded video

I have a C5 site which I think I have ‘ticked all the boxes’ for good Google ranking but the Page Speed Insight rating is lowsy. I have compressed all jpegs, pngs and svgs. It is complaining about the YouTube embed code and lazy loading. Can’t think what more I can do. This is the first I haven’t achieved first page ranking for organic searches. Any ideas appreciated.

The new versions of Concrete have a lazy load switch on the Youtube block.

But it looks like you’re running a 5.6 version of Concrete, so that’s not going to be an option.

You can however, create a custom block template for the Youtube block, adding in the loading="lazy" attribute into the iframe tag. I’ve also used some tricks myself with a custom template for the youtube block where it doesn’t load anything until it’s interacted with.

But quickly looking at your site, an easy win could be that some of your banner images are still quite large, and I reckon you could compress them further at a lower quality without noticing.

Thanks Mesuva.
I’ll add that loading tag and try extra compression.
Page Speed ratings are about 40 at the moment :smiling_face_with_tear: but SEO and page structure is in the 80s.

I can confirm what @mesuva said. I have one page on my website with a YouTube video. That page speed score without lazy loading is around 60 something. With it, it’s above 90.