Simple Blog

Please can anyone point me towards a simple guide for creating a blog.
I cant find anything for core 9, a video would be great.
Ive never created a blog before in concrete and when I try to understand it by simply digging around the per-installed blog pages I’m completely lost!
I only want registered users to see the blog pages and be able to post things themselves. A very simply blog, no need for sharing or any clever tricks.
Some kind of guide that actually breaks down how a blog is structured in the CMS, a kind of overview for a simpleton like me.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:


I would be more than happy to run you through how to it all works over teams, skype or zoom

Email me:

there are some videos available:

Thank you guys!
I watched a couple of the videos on Concrete5 Danmark.
Basic blog page setup -
Blog Page Type Settings -

I love the way these are done with the lady animation, its very good.
Obviously these are for the older version of concrete, but using your head you can still apply whats going on.