Site Down! Concrete5 - Fatcow Hosted Website Builder Gone

I need help fixing this website please. went down and the host support could only update pHp, and the site now says:
" Fatal error : Cannot unset $this in /hermes/walnacweb04/walnacweb04ac/b2825/moo.hbalccom/concrete5/concrete/libraries/3rdparty/adodb/ on line 178"
I am not familiar with coding. We cannot log in to Concrete
5 because it was accesed through a link on the website, and was built through Fatcow’s (host) when Concrete5 was a website builder, and it no longer is.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

The fact that there is a /libraries folder inside your /concrete folder makes me assume that you had a pretty old version of concretecms running. Most likely the hoster upgraded to a more recent version of php (which is the right thing to do), which unfortunateley is not supported by your version of concreteCMS.

Quick solution to get your site back:

  • downgrade to an older version of PHP
  • downside of it: insecure!

Mid-Term solution to have your site stable:

  • upgrade your installation to a more recent concreteCMS version
  • downside: might require custom coding, if you have used custom code or outdated add-ons.

This is a very unfortunate situation, I hope you have a backup.

What @Cahueya said is true, and also you could have a developer help out and import it into a temporary local environment running old PHP and try to pull some things out of it for migration. You can post to Gigs and Jobs here for someone to help out:

Hi @PeterNow, I have fixed such issues for clients facing deprecated PHP functions used in old Concrete5 versions. Please let me know, If you are still looking for professional to hire

Good Day