Does anyone know how to fix a site that comes up with this error?? I have a frozen site version 8.5.1
have you tried to delete the cache folder under “application>files”
That was the first thing I tried but no luck with that.
From the error log get this:
PHP Warning: array_replace_recursive(): Argument #2 is not an array in /home/…site…/concrete/src/Config/FileLoader.php on line 287
Can you give us a little more context on this one? Did something change or is this a fresh installation or was it maybe migrated?
The reason I ask is because this doesn’t sound like something that would necessarily happen out of the box. It might also have to do with a PHP version mismatch or something.
You might post the environment info if you can as well.
Nothing had been altered regarding the install other than edits for at least a year unless the web host had made slight modifications to the cPanel hosting. No other sites on the same host with the same version concrete had problems
And just to confirm - there is a “cache” directory in application > files?
Seems like it might be a permissions issue on application > files not allowing a cache directory to be created or written to or something.