Theme source code access

Is there a way to modify the source code of a theme from within concrete?

Someone asked me to take a look at their site to see if I could make a small change to the contact information. It seems either the person who asked me doesn’t have the right permissions in concrete, or the contact info was hard coded into the theme.

The only problem is, the developer who made their site and took care of maintenance did not give them the Cpanel login and just disappeared!

A contact form is usually in a block. If its on multiple pages, maybe in a stack or global area.

You should be able to get the cPanel login through the host’s support.

If you don’t have the site admin login (and once you have cPanel login) you can follow The complete guide to recovering a user password in concrete5 -

If you can post a site contact page URL, someone here can give a look at whether the form has been hard coded from a browser dev console.

Absolute vary last resort and very long shot, if the contact is hard coded in the theme (unlikely) and if the theme is in a package (unlikely), and you can connect to the marketplace: you could install my Package Magic addon and use that to download/hack/upload a modified theme.


Thanks, I have been working on something else and didn’t take the time to come back to this. It’s not actually a contact form, it’s just some contact information. Here’s the code I got from the dev tools:

p class=“text-left small-only-text-center txtleft”
2222 Rue Commerciale br
Saint-François de Madawaska, N.-B. br
E7A 1B6, Canada br br
a href=“tel://1-506-992·2192”>(506) 992·2192 /a br
a href=""> /a

I removed the brackets <> so that the code would show up.

I’m not sure how you could tell whether or not it was made with concrete from that? I guess the break tags?
I will try to get the owner to get their cpanel login back but it seems they didn’t want to put in the effort and just wants me to see if I can somehow do something on my end.

Can you go a few elements further out in the html and post.

You can format inserted code with the </> button above, may save you needing to remove < and also make your post clearer.

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<div class="footerwrap">
<div class="row footer">

<div class="small-12 medium-6 large-6 columns">
<p class="text-right small-only-text-center footlogo"><a href="/fr"><img src="/packages/foundation_sites/themes/foundation_sites/images/np/Nadeau_Poultry_Logo_Footer.svg" width="200" height="200" alt="Nadeau Poultry Farm / Nadeau Ferme Avicole"></a></p>

<div class="small-12 medium-6 large-6 columns">
<p class="text-left small-only-text-center txtleft">
2222 Rue Commerciale<br>
Saint-François de Madawaska, N.-B.<br>
E7A 1B6, Canada<br><br>
<a href="tel://1-506-992·2192">(506) 992·2192</a><br>
<a href=""></a>

</div>  <!-- footer -->

Here is a link to the page.

If you are lucky that may have been added as a block in a global area or stack, so you should check the stacks and global areas in the dashboard.

However, the way it is coded makes me suspect it has been hard coded into a file in the theme, so you could end up having to edit the php.

If you can view the source for the site through your host cPanel or FTP, look in the source files for the theme, there will be a file like:

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Ok, thanks for letting me know. I will write back here if I face additional problems.