

アドオンのマイグレーション ツールを使用して、ユーザーをインポートすると、「属性をマッピングできないとかのエラーがでます。」



Attribute address could not be mapped to a known attribute type. It may not be fully imported.
Attribute interest could not be mapped to a known attribute type. It may not be fully imported.
Attribute job_category could not be mapped to a known attribute type. It may not be fully imported.
Attribute kana could not be mapped to a known attribute type. It may not be fully imported.
Attribute organization could not be mapped to a known attribute type. It may not be fully imported.
Attribute post could not be mapped to a known attribute type. It may not be fully imported.
Attribute profile_private_messages_enabled could not be mapped to a known attribute type. It may not be fully imported.
Attribute profile_private_messages_notification_enabled could not be mapped to a known attribute type. It may not be fully imported.
Attribute tel could not be mapped to a known attribute type. It may not be fully imported.
Attribute type could not be mapped to a known attribute type. It may not be fully imported.
Attribute use_product could not be mapped to a known attribute type. It may not be fully imported.
Attribute u_business could not be mapped to a known attribute type. It may not be fully imported.
Attribute u_name could not be mapped to a known attribute type. It may not be fully imported.
Attribute u_service could not be mapped to a known attribute type. It may not be fully imported.

添付は、インポートの属性エラーの詳細と、Attribute u_name のキャプチャです。


Yes, it is a known bug, it has been reported on github at: Custom page attributes from a 5.6 site are not imported · Issue #7 · concretecms/migration_tool · GitHub

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”これを機能させるには、バージョン 9 で各ユーザー属性を手動で作成する必要があります。そうすれば、バッチによってコンテンツが正しく公開されます。”

