Unable to connect to marketplace for new add-ons

Hi, could someone guide me (a not technical user) how to solve this issue?
I have the latest version of Concrete.

My website has been added as project, and I also added the keys as asked, but I still get this message:

Error: General Connection Failure

This site cannot connect to the Concrete marketplace. Ensure curl is enabled on your web server.



2 things

What version on concrete are you using and is curl enabled?

As you are not a technical user it would be best to ask your web server technical help to ensure the php extension ‘curl’ is enabled.

Schermafbeelding 2025-01-26 192036

thanks for your message! curl seems to be enabled though it’s ‘lighter’ than the other options. i can inquire with the helpdesk indeed.

And which version are you on

currently on 9.3.9 according to the admin dashboard of the hosting provider