Unable to permanently delete pages from sitemap

Hello, we are having an issue permanently deleting pages from the sitemap. These pages are in the trash section, and when I select ‘Delete Forever’ I either get the error message ‘Class ‘Application\Block\Form\MiniSurvey’ not found’ or a timeout after 30 seconds. Does anyone know what would cause this? I’ve tried deleting various pages and same issue on them all.

Concrete5 version: 8.5.2
PHP version: 7.4.33

Many thanks

Try clearing the processes at dashboard/system/automation/activity
Then try running the ‘Empty Trash’ from your sitemap again.

Hi, I can’t seem to see this. Would this be under the automated jobs section?

Just add this after your domain name to reach that page

A footnote, Jobs are deprecated in v9. The functionality of Jobs has been subsumed into Tasks.

You will need to put index.php between your domain name and that code, like this:


Hi there
I had this issue and tried all of the fixes that were offered but I found the only way to delete forever was to open the deleted page and delete from there and it disappeared. Try it. Easier than a lot of coding.

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