Unknown column 'ak_is_featured' when using the Event List block

When i set the option in the Event List block to “Display featured events only.” (i created the is_featured calendar attribute) my site crashes with the Error

SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'ak_is_featured' in 'where clause' (42S22)

My site is on version 9.3.7. But the error occured in 9.3.5, too. Any idea what to do?

If you check the two boxes Content included in search index. and Field available in advanced search. on the attribute that should fix it.

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Awesome, thank you very much!!!

Has this been reported as a bug? Surely, this can’t be acceptable.

Recently ran into this with the page list class as well if attributes aren’t searchable filtering by them throws an error…

Opened an issue for this.

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I posted a possible solution to github. If someone can test to confirm, I’ll get the PR rolling!!

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PR for core page list if anyone needs it: Fix Page List Unknown column ‘ak_is_featured’ by ccmEnlil · Pull Request #12311 · concretecms/concretecms · GitHub

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This is likely to be the PR that will be merged. @mlocati was working on a solution in tandem with me, solving both issues at once :muscle:

Edit: This PR has just been merged and will be in the next release!