Update 9.3.2 > 9.3.4 not work

Error message updating 9.3.2 to 9.3.4.

The directory /home/malente5/public_html/updates/ already exists. It may have already been created.

Deleting it doesn’t help, setting the rights to 777 doesn’t help.

How do I get to 9.3.4?
Are the files available for download?

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You may need to fix the update.php file:

This has been coming up a lot so I wrote a tutorial on it here: Upgrade Concrete versions 9.3.1 and 9.3.2 :: Concrete CMS

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Thanks for the help.

The project hadn’t started yet (developer mode)
I installed 9.2.3 and then the update to 9.3.4 worked

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