Updating concrete 5.6 to the newest version

i have a client who has a website running Concrete CMS 5.6 (
and the cpanel is on PHP 5.6 (ea-php56)

the old developer who built the website has passed away and i have no idea how to manage this website … i’m trying to move the website to new hosting provider but it can’t run on higher php version so i’m trying to update it before i move it and when i try to connect it to the community i get blank box with nothing to do

how can i manually update the website without breaking it ?

You are limited to updating to concete5.6.4.0, this will allow the site to run under php version 7.4.
Don’t bother trying to connect to the community, it won’t connect unless you are on version 9.3.X
The download for can be found at:

You need to unzip the file into the root/updates/ folder and then run the update from the dashboard.
If you need someone to do this for you, send me an email to david@deepsea.co.uk.
Before doing anything, take backups of the database and the files, in case you need to roll it back to its present state.

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thank you for your reply … i tried to do what you said but it didn’t work … i sent you an email with the details

I have replied to your email.

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