Upgrade bug

Having problems installing Concrete CMS?

I got the following message when trying to upgrade to the llastest concretecms version.

Target [PsrExt\Log\LoggerInterface] is not instantiable while building [Concrete\Core\Foundation\Runtime\Run\DefaultRunner, Concrete\Core\Cache\CacheClearer].

The dashboard and the site are now inaccessible. Looking for someone who got the same issue and / or who can help me solving the issue.

Hello, @alfredsenngm-socrates

I’m experiencing the same issue while trying to upgrade Concrete CMS. It’s frustrating to have the dashboard and site become inaccessible. If anyone has found a solution or can offer some guidance, I’d really appreciate it!

Best regards,

Hi there,

Can you let us know the version of Concrete you’re upgrading from and the version of PHP you’re on? Thanks!