Upgrade issue - latest v8 -> latest v9 causes serious performance issue

I first upgraded v5.7 → v8, with no issues, but upgrading to latest v9 causes serious performance problems.
v5.7 and v8 pages usually took 300-370 ms’ to load… now I’m seeing 3-4 seconds page loads… and it’s all over the system, incl. admin.
I tried clearing the cache but no changes.
I’m on latest php-7.4.33-nts-Win32-vc15-x86 and MariaDB v10.5.27

The latest v9 version of Concrete does not technically support PHP <8.1. Try upgrading PHP first, then check to see if the caching settings have changed.

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Also, make sure you’ve upped your memory_limit in php.ini. I sped my localhost up considerable and avoided the dreaded time-out crash while updating by setting memory_limit=2048M


Thank you for the suggestion, I’m now running PHP 8.1.31 and it has made zero difference.

update: It seems my hosting partners av/firewall kicks in on php8 and concretecms v9 … I’m working to resolve that and I’ll get back with an update.

I see no reason to set it that high. My avg requests take around 64 MB’s, so the concrete recommendation of 128M is more than enough.

Hey man, it’s your life. I’ve just seen too many upgrades destroyed by time-outs caused by not enough memory and a botched upgrade is a nasty thing to sort out sometimes.