Uploaded backup of site and database needs configuring

Hosting account with heart Internet. Backup of site and database uploaded by their support team for me. The site is not showing and also the database details need to be changed in concrete. looking for help getting site up and running.

I can help you with this, just send me a private message for further info.

Hi thank you, can you give me an idea on price please. I can send you FTP details if you want to take a look before quoting.

I have sent you a private message regarding this request.

Hello Brummydot

I can help you,
I have sent you a private message.


Hello There,

I would like to assist you. let me know if we can discuss further by email.

E- linneajones.mil@gmail.com

Thank you for the login details, I have all the files and the database now loaded to my dev. server.
I have sent you another private message reference phpMyAdmin…

@brummydot your site is all fixed up now, if you need any further assistance just send me a PM.