Using accorion

Hi !
I’m trying to use the accordion bloc (concrete v9). I can add entries (titles in fact), but I don’t see the way to add text below an Entry… :


That’s a broken CKEditor you’re looking at. Are there any errors in your Developer Console (CTRL+SHFT-I → Console tab)

Thanks for your reply !
What kind of error could it be ?
And how can I fix a broken CKEditor ?
Best regards

when you are on the page with the broken CKeditor open, in Chrome, open the developers’ tools (ctrl+shift+i) then visit the “console” tab and check if there are any errors (in red)
if yes, you could share that here and maybe someone will have an idea.

If you’d like me to have a direct look, feel free to contact me directly by Private message in either French or English.

When editing the accordion block, I get this :


No that’s not it. There must be another issue.

It looks as the CKEditor config is wrong. Did you by any chance add custom CKeditor config to your application\config\concrete.php file?

I have downloaded the and extract it on my computer, then I have uploaded all those files to the server. And then I have created different pages. In one of them I wanted to put an accordion for decreasing the size of visible text. That’s all.
Here is the environnement :

# Concrete Version
Core Version - 9.3.7
Version Installed - 9.3.7
Database Version - 20240910000000

# Environment

# Database Information
Version: 8.0.39-30
Character Set: utf8mb4
Collation: utf8mb4_unicode_ci

# Concrete Packages

# Concrete Overrides

# Concrete Cache Settings
Block Cache - Off
Overrides Cache - Off
Full Page Caching - Off
Full Page Cache Lifetime - Every 6 hours (default setting).

# Database Entities Settings
Doctrine Development Mode - Off

# Server Software

# Server API

# PHP Version

There’s clearly a problem with the configuration but I’m not sure what it could be since you didn’t add anything extra.

The only thing I can think of is maybe some files didn’t upload. It is always better to upload the zip file and unzip it on the server. Uploading it unzipped by FTP can lead to files failing to upload.

Maybe try to re-upload the concrete folder and see if it resolves the issue.

Ok I’ll try this.
( The website is hosted on a shared server : I can transfer files with filezilla but if it’s a zip file there is no option in filezilla to unzip it)

There is an option in cPanel and most likely in any other file management panel the hosts provides you with.

Agree with mnakalay. FTP’ing individual files is a disaster waiting to happen and will take a long time. Find the ‘File Manager’ on your hosting package and upload/expand the zip.

Better yet, I always let concrete update the core files through the Dashboard and then, if need be, move the updated ‘concrete’ folder around in the cPanel’s file manager so everything is done on the server.

Anyone know a quick and painless way to trigger an update on a fully updated system? Delete some file? Change some value in a config file somewhere?

Waiting for a Concrete5 update could be an alternative to install again from scratch ?

You don’t have to install again from scratch, just re-upload Concrete’s files to make sure nothing is missing. It’s like copying and pasting afresh to make sure it’s all there.

Waiting for an update would work since it would first add a new concrete folder in the “updates” folder that will take precedence over the original one.

It depends if you’re in a hurry to fix the issue or not.

I also have to point out that, so far, what we have is only a theory as to what the problem is. Until you try the fix it, we don’t know for sure we pinpointed the issue.

I’ve re-uploaded the Concrete directory (not the Application one) and nothing has changed.
Could anyone show me a screen snapshot of the accordion block in editing mode ?
Thanks for your help !

Here you go

OK, thanks for this screen capture.

I finally solved this problem by reinstalling from scratch with the new version (9.3.8).
Thanks for your help