Using Genesis Theme

I am trying to upgrade from the 8 series to the 9 series. My site uses the Genesis theme which I see is version 9 compatible. However when I run the site I get this error:

Call to undefined method Doctrine\DBAL\ForwardCompatibility\Result::fetchRow()

from this file.

I am running PHP 8.2

I then reviewed the code and made some updates to be more compatible with PHP 8.2 but then it had trouble finding the “minisurvey” class.

I then tried loaded that directly but then I still had more errors.

I’ve tried to reach out C5Box, but messages through concrete go unanswered (been several weeks). I’m willing to pay for some assistance to resolve this so I can get the site live with the latest version and PHP8.2.

When I switch to another theme, the site does load and I can access the dashboard even with the current theme, so the upgrade did go okay.


You could rename that file zview.php then copy the view.php file from the concrete/blocks/form folder from the core. So look in the updates folder for the latest version if you have updated.

This will then give you the standard form and you can then add stuff from that template file if you want.

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If you’re still running into the trouble, the gigs and jobs board might have some folks who could help out: Gigs & Jobs - Concrete CMS

Thank you both. It’s been a busy time, but I finally got a break to revisit this. Copying that file over did the trick. The page and the rest of the site is now loading. I’ll have to do some more QA to make sure everything else is working, but this was a huge help getting over this blocker.

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