V8 - Exception Occurred: /home/sitename/public_html/concrete/blocks/form/controller.php:289 Oops, something is wrong with the form you posted (it doesn't have a question set id). (0)


I see this error a lot in the logs. We’re using a custom template on these legacy forms, but the qsID is there in the source when I view the page and also the custom template is generating $qsID in the usual way.

What else can I check?


Hmm - you might try rebuilding the form and seeing if the problem persists - it might be some residual weirdness, I feel like I’ve seen this one before.

If you’re using the legacy forms, this forum post might be helpful (though it is 13 years old or so :wink: ) Oops, something is wrong with the form you posted (it doesn't have a question set id). - concrete5

Thanks for the reply. I had seen that post, but we’re using v8, not 5.6 so different config settings etc.