Version 8 Extensions to be Removed from the Marketplace

We have informed you over the past year that Concrete version 8 is at the end of its life, receiving only critical security updates. Continuing to sell extensions for a version we are encouraging users to move away from doesn’t quite add up. We’re officially ending sales and support for version 8 extensions through our marketplace, effective May 15, 2024.

What You Need to Know:

  • Immediate Action Required: Ensure any add-on/theme upgrades for v8 sites are applied ASAP.
  • Download Unused Licenses: If you have unused v8 licenses, download these packages immediately.
  • Future Access: Post-May 15, downloading v8 extension packages from your account will no longer be possible as we transition to the new marketplace.
  • Version 9 Extensions: Purchases made within the last 12 months will be transferred to the new marketplace.
  • Older Purchases: Access to download packages for purchases older than 12 months, or for v8 extensions, will cease after May 15th.

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