Webp support

Is upcoming versions of Concrete5 planning to support webp files? I use lots of product images which are in a webp mode, and it takes extra time to change all webp files to jpeg.

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Hi @pedroC5
It is on our radar. I looked around in Github and found a couple of discussions and a pull request about adding webp
There are a couple of conversations going on if you want to watch the progress.

Thank you,

Only problem using webp images is that they will not show on old versions of the Safari browser with OSX and iOS.

Ref: WebP image format | Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc

C5 does support webp images to certain extent. Goto ‘Allowed File Types’ and add ‘webp’ to list. They show as a file type not an image type. See screenshots.

I’ve built an add-on that shows both webp and jpg/png images as a fallback for the older Safari users.

Marketplace item: Webp Image Block - concrete5

Demo site: https://webp.sbeech.uk

This sounds good and useful. I have to test how Community Store supports webp files. The product images are listed on page using Store.

Tested v8.5.5

I added webp to Allowed files and I can now add a webp image on the page using Content block. And it’s even responsive – scales nicely! The Image block instead don’t recognize webp files.

I tested webp image also with the Community Store (v2.3.6) but the product editor’s image chooser don’t recognize webp files.

Looking forward to get Concrete5 webp support, hopefully we can get it to v8 also.

I’ve got a workaround for ‘webp’ files to use wth the ‘Community Store’, see post: Webp support for the 'Community Store'