Website crash after upgrade


I tried to upgrade my website from 8.5.17 to 9.3.4 and it seems I have crashed everything…

I have now an error page when I try to load my website, see here :

The error says : “Attempt to assign property “cPathFetchIsCanonical” on null”

No idea how to fix this and make the 9.3.7 work…

Thank you for your help

Cab you roll the site back from back-ups?

No… I get other errors when I try…

That’s why it is important for me to find a way to make this 9.3.7 work ?
Anyone could help here?

I believe it’s fixed @opequin

You are the best @mnakalay !

I have the same problem. I have updated from Concrete5 Version 7 to Version 9 and I became now this message.

Feel free to contact me by private message to discuss it.

What’s your private message?

you can click on my name “mnakalay” here and click on “message” from the popup.
Or you can contact me from my website’s contact page