Where is Submit to Marketplace?

Have they removed the link again? I thought it was added to the Extensions and now it’s gone.

This site so pi$$es me off. I can’t find stuff here, I have to login 10 stupid times on every page. Nothing got fixed from the time of the “upgrade”. It must be such a turn off for new comers…


You may have to visit the page twice or visit, login and visit again. The marketplace sub-site is particularly fickle about maintaining login from the other sub sites.

Such a shame. For most of us Concrete5 is not a hobby it is our living. The official site needs to work properly and encourage new uses to take it up. Often clients like to check out Concrete5 to make sure it is the platform of choice for them and when we are up against giants like Wordpress it’s really essential that it delivers a slick experience.

Help me understand what’s missing. The extensions page has the “submit your code” displaying.

@jessicadunbar Could the issue be that