Can't install free add on from new market place

I have a fresh install of V9.3.1 for testing and tried to install simple gallery from the market place.
I get the following error when downloading.
Whoops \ Exception \ ErrorException (E_WARNING)
rename(): The first argument to copy() function cannot be a directory


PHP V7.4.33

I have a similar issue with the free ‘Lite Slider’. I’ve assigned it to a project and was prompted to go the dashboard to install. When I try to download I get ‘An error occurred while processing this request’.

There’s a fix for that coming in 9.3.2. On some servers, some combination of OS and filesystems cause PHP’s rename() function to fail.

If you have the ability, you can replace concrete/src/Marketplace/PackageRepository.php with this version which should fix the problem.

@Steevb that sounds like it might be a different error. Can you check the logs to get the exact details of what the error was? If it is indeed the rename() function, this answer might fix it for you.

@Myq: Looked at logs and error is the same.

That file mod fixed the issue. Thanks.

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FYI: 9.3.2 which includes this fix has just been released: GitHub - concretecms/concretecms at 9.3.2

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