Multisites, some questions

Hello, i have some questions about the multisite function

  1. What kind of domains can be used, multiple main domains? (,, or is only 1 main domain with subdomains possible? (,,
    I would like to use multiple main domains.
  2. If multiple main domains to 1 concrete installation is possible, what kind of server/dns settings are needed? the documentation is very vague about that.

There should really be a more in depth video about this, I mean @frz recently made a great video about the brand website, one about multisites would be a great addition.

  1. and are setup with multisite. Subdomains can be used as well.
  2. I made a note to add some documentation on the dns.

hereā€™s a helpful thread V9 multisite settings... documentation of any sort?

That would be great if there was, any ETA on that info? Can you maybe give the quick rundown already? We are in the proces of evaluating which platform will work best for us.

Does this video help?

@frz thank you for the video, this really gives a lot more info in 10 minutes than the documentation, i would recommend doing more of these since you bring across details that the written docs misses but i really wish that you would have given more information about the DNS settings/configuration, its there where i am unsure how to proceed. do you just park 2 domains on your hosting and the cms guides it to the right page or is there more to it?

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and thanks again for making the video, really do more of these, they are great!

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Agreed, these videos are important. The last mile is always the hardest. :wink:

Yeah, park the domains and concrete will direct traffic as it should. In this case we just setup a wildcard DNS for the main domain and now I can map without going back into cpanel.

One thing that did escape this video is youā€™ll have to go into page types and configure permissions to work there. Thatā€™s why I got the access denied message when building a skeleton site.

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Thanks Franz, I have to agree these little videos are so much use and really help.

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Apologies for reviving an old thread, but could you possibly be more specific on the issue of having to ā€œgo into page types and configure permissions to work thereā€? I ask because I am having exactly the same issue you ran into in your video (adding pages to the site skeleton).

I tried going to Dashboard > Pages & Themes > Page Types > Page Type Permissions and explicitly adding the ā€˜Administratorsā€™ group to the ā€˜add subpageā€™ permission under ā€œPermissions for All Pages Created Of This Typeā€. I still get the same error (ā€œYou do not have access to add any page types beneath the selected pageā€). I am, of course, logged in as site owner/super admin.

Any sort of clue as to what Iā€™m overlooking is very much appreciated.



OK, I think I figured it out. First you have to create page types for the proposed site type, then you set permissions. I was assuming that multi-site subsites would inherit existing page types at root level-- that is not the case.

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Yeah each site gets its own set of page types, you got it :+1:

ā€¦and now that Iā€™m actually able to build out subsite skeletons, Iā€™m really liking how much meat Iā€™m able to put on those bones!

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Yeah it saves soooo much time and client build out just to have that stuff all locked and loaded.

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first of all Iā€™d like to Thank mmartinpdx for valuable information on page types and permissions I have been missing so far. It is not documented anywhere yet as far as I know.
That being said, My multisite set up is still not working despite hours of trial and error with advanced permissions, site and page types etc.

My question which might bring a solution: I am setting up in a local environment. How do I set the canonical URLs in this case?

What I have right now are:
subsite one I can see (though its content is also on the global site) but I have no permissions to add page: You do not have access to add any page types beneath the selected page.
subsite-two results in a 404 error with the exact same set up. Any suggestions?

ā€¦ just noticed localhost/globalsite canonical URL redirects to localhost/globalsite/subsite-one

local environment is no different from prodā€¦ you will need different domains, not paths. Use hosts entries such as: subsite-one.local subsite-two.local

and set those as the URLs

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Hi Thatā€™s great, thanks for your advice! I have now configured xampp as virtual host and added the relevant domains to windows hosts file to point the corrected canonical URLS to.
I have also added page types with the relevant permissions.

But, I still donā€™t have permission to add pages to either subsite and I canā€™t choose Page Type from the dropdown on design & type (only ā€œnoneā€ is showing up)
Any ideas as to what I might be missing here, would be much appreciated. I am super frustrated right now ā€¦

Iā€™ve found the issue with Page Types. I was trying to set up page types in the default list and then reference them from the subsites. You have to navigate to the subsite in the dropdown on the page types page first.

Thatā€™s correct.

Multisite does add a new layer of complexity which is the trade-off for the increase in flexibility. In order to cover as many possible use cases as possible, almost everything has to be configured separately for each of the site types.

The default view for those settings is the default site type, so itā€™s easy to miss the settings for the other site types.

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