Re-submit Stucco to the new marketplace, test needed

Stucco was one of the most famous free themes on the legacy marketplace.
The original developer is Shin’ichi Nakane , also known as nipper onside.

Some volunteer members from the Concrete CMS Japan community and my company, Macareux Digital, have now started fixing his themes to support version 9 in memory of his great contribution to the community. I believe many users are waiting for this.

I’ve committed 3.0.0-beta1 and pushed it to this GitHub repository.

Please test this theme on version 9 and feel free to send feedback to me on this thread or post issue on GitHub.

I’m planning to submit Stucco next week, and also I have already started fixing Palette and Majorca. When I push it, I’ll inform you in this thread.

Thank you!


Approved! Thank you all who tested and committed to the legendary theme.