Using Boards

I have set-up a small site with a news feature using the default Boards set-up - I like they way the work but…

How do I set them to auto update - regenerate when a new blog post is added? The user doesn’t want to have to have to update the board every time they add a news item?

The Scheduler - is complex and no info/tutorials on how to use it? where do you set-up elements and what does it do?

I have set-up Cron jobs on tasks- After lots of errors on the cron Schedule - after using the wrong expression (no spaces) I had to manually remove from the data base table to get past the error.

But then their is no task for this?

Please advise ? Otherwise I will switch back to using Page list block.



I agree, Boards are both complex and lacking in documentation.

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I doubt this answers carl101lee’s questions, but for those interested in watching a Boards “quickest walkthrough in the world” by Andrew Embler and Franz Maruna, here’s a link:

Concrete CMS September 2021 Town Hall - YouTube

Ive just started looking at boards, instances etc. There is zero clear explanation of this for your average user like me.
Ive tried to use the built in stuff that comes with Atomik by experimentation and am completely lost.
Please, please, can we have a video that’s not someone waffling on about code and stuff in bad resolution, but just straight forward, this is what boards do, this is how to use them (with actual example).
I would make the video myself and share it if I had any kind of understand of boards.

Sorry just so frustrated as I think boards could really help me and would love to try.

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Hi @deanhawthorn - is this documentation helpful?

I’m also interested in taming Boards. I’m with Atomik (The built-in Theme of v. 9) like @deanhawthorn.

@EvanCooper: I f I click on your link, it takes me to a page:

A yellow alert tells me: This documentation is not for the most recent release version of Concrete CMS.
If I go to the "Release Version; 9, I end up on this page:

The same happens with an essential link by @jero in this post:

Where is the current, valid documentation?

I’m confused.

Easy enough to find.

Thank you for the correct and direct link.

Sorry, small little things confuse me. Shouldn’t these two pages know of each other by proper linking, - unambiguously?

See screens imgs

Thanks for that page link. I have already read it, and as a light user it doesn’t make it clear to me, basically assumes you understand how it works already.
Sadly concrete is seriously lacking in simple ‘break it down for beginners’ video instructions, that visually show (not just text) how to combine all the various parts of what you need to do utilise boards.
Concrete were quick to instigate core 9, but there is so much backup stuff needed to support a new CMS that isn’t yet available.
The average user (like me) is totally reliant on the goodwill of the forum to sometimes work out the most simplest of things.
I soldier on regardless :grinning:

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Thanks for pointing out this shortcoming. The pages are linked now (as well as most, hopefully nearly all, of the v8 pages).

I agree with @carl101lee and @deanhawthorn. Has anyone offered an answer?
From the documentation I’ve read and the youtubes I’ve watched, I would think the board should be updating the content automatically when a new page is created, but its not. I’ve searched high and low and can not figure out how to get it to automatically update/refresh. I can manually refresh it in the instance, but shouldn’t have to do that every time I add a page that should show in the board. Help please.

@karilynae you are correct, boards must be manually refreshed (or through a scheduled job). Originally there were performance issues which prevented them from being updated automatically, but the 9.4 release next month should make that process more real-time.

Thanks for the quick reply. I’ll watch for the 9.4 release. Will I still need to set something up or will it become automatic? Sorry, can’t make sense of what’s in the Github link you shared.

Core upgrades do not happen automatically, although they can be done through the Dashboard. Here are some of the ways you can upgrade: How to Upgrade Concrete CMS

Sorry, I meant after I upgrade to 9.4, will the boards then automatically update with new content or will there be something else I need to set up?

I believe the boards will begin updating with each new content change after upgrading the core to 9.4, but let’s wait for the official release to be sure